
Mt Baker Vapor - Hawk Sauce vs Butterscotch as ADV

Mt Baker Vapor's most popular flavor of e-liquid is their Hawk Sauce variety (named after the Seattle Seahawks) since they are located near Seattle. It is a nice, very slightly fruity, full flavor that tastes best after a month's worth of steeping. In my opinion, mt baker vapor's butterscotch flavor is their best for ADV or "all day vape." It lacks the fruitiness of Hawk Sauce, but that's good since the fruitiness of hawk sauce can become annoying over time and the butterscotch flavor ends up tasting better in the long run.

Their best fruit type e-juice is their Green Apple. This flavor is excellent steeped or unsteeped. It retains its distinctive, realistic flavor in many different types of e-cigarette devices. 

Other quality flavors: Strawberry, Grape, Cinnamon Roll